Животът често е жесток към едни от най-онеправданите на този свят - децата. Такъв е случаят на 5-годишната София Чиапалоне, която за крехката си възраст вече е преминала през повече медицински процедури, отколкото много възрастни. 

Родено с вроден сърдечен дефект, момиченцето в предучилищна възраст досега е претърпяло три операции на сърцето, като следващата е планирана за средата на ноември. Но преди поредната хирургична интервенция в живота на на малкото момиче, София е помолила майка си Кристи Съмърсет-Чиапалоун да й сбъдне едно съкровено желание… Да се омъжи за детската си любов - 6-годишния Хънтър Лафериере.

Кристи не пази дълго в тайна мечтата й, като я споделя на майката на Хънтър - Трейси. Тя я разказва на сина си, който моментално приема предложението за женитба на момиченцето. 

"Беше готов на всичко, за да я направи щастлива. - разказва Трейси. Тя винаги се съгласяваше да играе "Марио" с него, така че мисля, че той ще бъде щастлив да се ожени за нея. Те имат химия, която е магнетична, очарователно е да ги гледаш".

За да превърне в реалност мечтата на София, Трейси търси най-добрата си приятелка и фотограф - Мариса Балетти-Лавоа от студио Sassy Mouth Photography, за да заснеме миговете от специалното събитие, на което София носи красива рокля и букет от цветя, а децата си играят на влюбена двойка, разменяйки си целувки по бузите. 

София се бори за своя живот още от деня на раждането си, тъй като има генетичен дефект, при който е нарушена връзката между сърцето и белодробните артерии, гарантираща вливането на кръвта в белите дробове. Така се налага отваряне на гръдния кош за операция на сърцето още първия ден, след като се е родила - интервенция, която ще трябва да търпи отново и отново през целия си живот. 

Сладката фотосесия, която можете да видите по-долу, е с горчив привкус за майката на София, защото това може да е единственият път, когато вижда момичето си в булчинска рокля.

Семейството събира пари за медицинските разходи от миналите и бъдещи операции с дарителска кампания в GoFundMe, можете да ги подкрепите. 


Sophia Elyssa Chiappalone the beautiful baby with a broken heart had a beautiful little wish she wanted before her next open heart surgery. She wanted to get married to my bff Tracy's son Hunter. Awwwww... So Tracy, and Sophia's Momma Kristy decided to make it happen! I was so honored and excited to be the one to document the big day!! Thank you to @blissbridalct Bridal for Sophia's gorgeous dress and veil! Hunter, you are one cool dude! I could cry looking at all the joy in these images!!! It was my pleasure to help make your dream come true sweetheart! XOXO, Marisa Balletti-Lavoie Queen of Sass @marisaqueenofsass #sassymouthphoto #thesassyspace #sassymouthweddings #bold #playful #independent #sassy #sassymagic #connecticut #ctphotographer #supergirl #heartsurgery #survivor #warrior #ohs #princessbride #ctph #ctweddingphotographer #wedding #canon #canonusa

A post shared by Sassy Mouth Photography (@sassymouthphoto) on


Sophia Elyssa Chiappalone the beautiful baby with a broken heart had a beautiful little wish she wanted before her next open heart surgery. She wanted to get married to my bff Tracy's son Hunter. Awwwww... So Tracy, and Sophia's Momma Kristy decided to make it happen! I was so honored and excited to be the one to document the big day!! Thank you to @blissbridalct Bridal for Sophia's gorgeous dress and veil! Hunter, you are one cool dude! I could cry looking at all the joy in these images!!! It was my pleasure to help make your dream come true sweetheart! XOXO, Marisa Balletti-Lavoie Queen of Sass @marisaqueenofsass #sassymouthphoto #thesassyspace #sassymouthweddings #bold #playful #independent #sassy #sassymagic #connecticut #ctphotographer #supergirl #heartsurgery #survivor #warrior #ohs #princessbride #ctph #ctweddingphotographer #wedding #canon #canonusa

A post shared by Sassy Mouth Photography (@sassymouthphoto) on


Sophia Elyssa Chiappalone the beautiful baby with a broken heart had a beautiful little wish she wanted before her next open heart surgery. She wanted to get married to my bff Tracy's son Hunter. Awwwww... So Tracy, and Sophia's Momma Kristy decided to make it happen! I was so honored and excited to be the one to document the big day!! Thank you to @blissbridalct Bridal for Sophia's gorgeous dress and veil! Hunter, you are one cool dude! I could cry looking at all the joy in these images!!! It was my pleasure to help make your dream come true sweetheart! XOXO, Marisa Balletti-Lavoie Queen of Sass @marisaqueenofsass #sassymouthphoto #thesassyspace #sassymouthweddings #bold #playful #independent #sassy #sassymagic #connecticut #ctphotographer #supergirl #heartsurgery #survivor #warrior #ohs #princessbride #ctph #ctweddingphotographer #wedding #canon #canonusa

A post shared by Sassy Mouth Photography (@sassymouthphoto) on


Sophia Elyssa Chiappalone the beautiful baby with a broken heart had a beautiful little wish she wanted before her next open heart surgery. She wanted to get married to my bff Tracy's son Hunter. Awwwww... So Tracy, and Sophia's Momma Kristy decided to make it happen! I was so honored and excited to be the one to document the big day!! Thank you to @blissbridalct Bridal for Sophia's gorgeous dress and veil! Hunter, you are one cool dude! I could cry looking at all the joy in these images!!! It was my pleasure to help make your dream come true sweetheart! XOXO, Marisa Balletti-Lavoie Queen of Sass @marisaqueenofsass #sassymouthphoto #thesassyspace #sassymouthweddings #bold #playful #independent #sassy #sassymagic #connecticut #ctphotographer #supergirl #heartsurgery #survivor #warrior #ohs #princessbride #ctph #ctweddingphotographer #wedding #canon #canonusa

A post shared by Sassy Mouth Photography (@sassymouthphoto) on


Sophia Elyssa Chiappalone the beautiful baby with a broken heart had a beautiful little wish she wanted before her next open heart surgery. She wanted to get married to my bff Tracy's son Hunter. Awwwww... So Tracy, and Sophia's Momma Kristy decided to make it happen! I was so honored and excited to be the one to document the big day!! Thank you to @blissbridalct Bridal for Sophia's gorgeous dress and veil! Hunter, you are one cool dude! I could cry looking at all the joy in these images!!! It was my pleasure to help make your dream come true sweetheart! XOXO, Marisa Balletti-Lavoie Queen of Sass @marisaqueenofsass #sassymouthphoto #thesassyspace #sassymouthweddings #bold #playful #independent #sassy #sassymagic #connecticut #ctphotographer #supergirl #heartsurgery #survivor #warrior #ohs #princessbride #ctph #ctweddingphotographer #wedding #canon #canonusa

A post shared by Sassy Mouth Photography (@sassymouthphoto) on


Sophia Elyssa Chiappalone the beautiful baby with a broken heart had a beautiful little wish she wanted before her next open heart surgery. She wanted to get married to my bff Tracy's son Hunter. Awwwww... So Tracy, and Sophia's Momma Kristy decided to make it happen! I was so honored and excited to be the one to document the big day!! Thank you to @blissbridalct Bridal for Sophia's gorgeous dress and veil! Hunter, you are one cool dude! I could cry looking at all the joy in these images!!! It was my pleasure to help make your dream come true sweetheart! XOXO, Marisa Balletti-Lavoie Queen of Sass @marisaqueenofsass #sassymouthphoto #thesassyspace #sassymouthweddings #bold #playful #independent #sassy #sassymagic #connecticut #ctphotographer #supergirl #heartsurgery #survivor #warrior #ohs #princessbride #ctph #ctweddingphotographer #wedding #canon #canonusa

A post shared by Sassy Mouth Photography (@sassymouthphoto) on


Sophia Elyssa Chiappalone the beautiful baby with a broken heart had a beautiful little wish she wanted before her next open heart surgery. She wanted to get married to my bff Tracy's son Hunter. Awwwww... So Tracy, and Sophia's Momma Kristy decided to make it happen! I was so honored and excited to be the one to document the big day!! Thank you to @blissbridalct Bridal for Sophia's gorgeous dress and veil! Hunter, you are one cool dude! I could cry looking at all the joy in these images!!! It was my pleasure to help make your dream come true sweetheart! XOXO, Marisa Balletti-Lavoie Queen of Sass @marisaqueenofsass #sassymouthphoto #thesassyspace #sassymouthweddings #bold #playful #independent #sassy #sassymagic #connecticut #ctphotographer #supergirl #heartsurgery #survivor #warrior #ohs #princessbride #ctph #ctweddingphotographer #wedding #canon #canonusa

A post shared by Sassy Mouth Photography (@sassymouthphoto) on


Sophia Elyssa Chiappalone the beautiful baby with a broken heart had a beautiful little wish she wanted before her next open heart surgery. She wanted to get married to my bff Tracy's son Hunter. Awwwww... So Tracy, and Sophia's Momma Kristy decided to make it happen! I was so honored and excited to be the one to document the big day!! Thank you to @blissbridalct Bridal for Sophia's gorgeous dress and veil! Hunter, you are one cool dude! I could cry looking at all the joy in these images!!! It was my pleasure to help make your dream come true sweetheart! XOXO, Marisa Balletti-Lavoie Queen of Sass @marisaqueenofsass #sassymouthphoto #thesassyspace #sassymouthweddings #bold #playful #independent #sassy #sassymagic #connecticut #ctphotographer #supergirl #heartsurgery #survivor #warrior #ohs #princessbride #ctph #ctweddingphotographer #wedding #canon #canonusa

A post shared by Sassy Mouth Photography (@sassymouthphoto) on


Sophia Elyssa Chiappalone the beautiful baby with a broken heart had a beautiful little wish she wanted before her next open heart surgery. She wanted to get married to my bff Tracy's son Hunter. Awwwww... So Tracy, and Sophia's Momma Kristy decided to make it happen! I was so honored and excited to be the one to document the big day!! Thank you to Bliss Bridal for Sophia's gorgeous dress and veil! Hunter, you are one cool dude! I could cry looking at all the joy in these images!!! It was my pleasure to help make your dream come true sweetheart! XOXO, Marisa Balletti-Lavoie Queen of Sass @marisaqueenofsass #sassymouthphoto #thesassyspace #sassymouthweddings #bold #playful #independent #sassy #sassymagic #connecticut #ctphotographer #supergirl #heartsurgery #survivor #warrior #ohs #princessbride #ctph #ctweddingphotographer #wedding #canon #canonusa

A post shared by Sassy Mouth Photography (@sassymouthphoto) on