1 от 7 жени страда от следродилна депресия, но за психичното разстройство все още се знае и говори твърде малко. Постнаталната депресия често е съпроводена от обсесивно-компулсивно разстройство, тревожност и психоза.

Една от тях е Кати ди Винченцо - смела майка, решила да разкрие какво представлява следродилната депресия в две снимки, ясно показващи как психичното здраве на жените често бива засегнато от бременността след раждането.

Появата на новородено със сигурност е стрес за всяка майка, но тук не става въпрос за това да се безпокоиш дали отглеждаш достатъчно добре бебето си - постпартум депресия буквално прави неспособни жените да отглеждат нормално децата си като родители, като психотичните симптоми често са едновременно животозаплашващи както за майката, така и за бебето.

Названието следродилна депресия съвременната психиатрия обяснява предимно с хормоналните и често психологични промени на бремеността, раждането и кърменето.

Следродилната депресия се характеризира с понижен апетит и тегло без спазване на определена диета, безсъние и сериозни смущения в сън, понижена енергия, концентрация и памет, неадекватни мисли за вина и самоубийство, както и суицидни опити.

Рискът от подобна депресивна картина при последващи раждания е почти двоен при родилките. За щастие, лечението на следродилна депресия се повлиява благоприятно както при останалите големи депресивни епизоди с или без психотичност.


Chances are, you're feeling pretty uncomfortable right now (trust me I am too). I'm going to challenge you to push past the discomfort society has placed on postpartum mental illness and hear me out. May has been declared Postpartum Depression Awareness Month and as someone with diagnosed postpartum depression, anxiety, and OCD I feel like it's time to show you what that can really look like, not just the side of me that's "Facebook worthy." The truth is, both of these pictures represent my life depending on the day. I would only ever comfortably share one of these realities though and that's the problem. The only thing more exhausting than having these conditions is pretending daily that I don't. I work twice as hard to hide this reality from you because I'm afraid to make you uncomfortable. I'm afraid you'll think I'm weak, crazy, a terrible mother, or the other million things my mind convinces me of and I know I'm not alone in those thoughts. We need to stop assuming that the postpartum period is always euphoric, because for 1 in 7 it's not. We need to start asking new parents how they're doing in a deeper way than the normal, "so how are you doing?" that triggers the knee jerk, "everything's great!" response. We need to learn the signs, symptoms, risk factors, and support plans for postpartum conditions. We need to break the stigma and by sharing our stories and letting others know they're not alone. If you have had a postpartum mood disorder please share your story below, or simply post to show you can relate. Let's show others that they don't have to suffer in silence. In case no one has told you, you're doing an amazing job. You are loved and you are worthy. You're not alone. Information to local and national support will be in the comment section. I know how unbelievably hard it is to reach out, but I promise you it is worth it. YOU'RE worth it. Thank you to my close friend Danielle from Danielle Fantis Photography, a fellow mom that struggled with ppd, for capturing these images for me and encouraging me to share them with you. . . . . .

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May has been declared Postpartum Mental Illness Awareness month. Didn't know that? I didn't either. People don't talk about, but we need to. 1 in 7 women silently battle with this illness. I am 1 in 7 and so is my dear friend who I photographed above (you can read her story on my previous post.) If you're struggling with postpartum anxiety, OCD, and depression, please don't be afraid to reach out. You are loved, you are worthy, and you are WORTH it! . . . . . .. #postbaby #afterbaby #fourthtrimester #thirdtrimester #pregnant #breastfeeding #support #womenempowerment #womenempowerment #empoweringwomen #mompreneur #momblogger #momblog #mombloggers #lifestyleblogger #lifestylephotographer #lifestyle #EndTheSilence #honesty #beingreal #notalone #standtogether #feminism #feminist

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