Страдаща от посттравматично стресово разстройство, тревожност и депресия след като става жертва на изнасилване, Хайди Уилямс най-накрая намира душевен мир в йогата. След като почти не губи 6-месечното си бебе, дори прави опит да се самоубие, но йога практиката я връща обратно към живота и сега самата тя помага на хора в психологическа нужда. След като се възстановява от събитията, Хайди започва да вдъхновява останалите сами да излекуват живота си, като поддържа онлайн група за взаимопомощ, в които хората могат да се свързват по между си. Желанието й е да води терапевтични занимания по йога и духовни упражнения, които са специално насочени към лечение на депресия, тревожност и ПТСР. Уилямс използва максимално силата на социалните мрежи, за да показва радостта от живота като красива хармония между тялото и ума – които всеки е способен да постигне!



Calling all my Utah Goddesses... On august 26th at 6:00 I am co-hosting an "I AM ENOUGH" Girls Night Out with my love @foreverhhy To remind each and every one of us just how incredible we are! This night is totally FREE and consists of: Cleansing Facials Luscious Hand Treatments Therapeutic Reflexology Rejuvenating Yoga Delicious Refreshments and some Nourishing Girl Time Come play and bring all your loves...Because you damn well deserve a night off! If you are a girl and you are in Northern Utah, direct message me and I will send you the address! Tag all your girlfriends below and I cant wait to hug and kiss each and every one of you!!! Photographer:@kariannphoto Flowers: @thefauxbouquets Hair: @lacedhairextensions @styled_by_carolynn

A photo posted by heidiwilliams89 (@heidiwilliams89) on


"Perfectionism is a serial killer of happiness" -Brene Brown Sometimes we talk about being a "perfectionist" as being a great thing. We talk about it in job interviews like our biggest problem is that we are really just "too good" at things. But by definition a perfectionist is someone who is only satisfied with perfection. It doesn't mean you're perfect... It means you'll never be willing to take risks, or even try, for fear that you wont be good enough. It means that you'll never be able to fully enjoy the people around you, because they wont be good enough. When you are only satisfied once perfection is achieved, you forfeit enjoying the beauty of growth, the beauty of nature, the beauty of the human condition in general. And to me there is nothing more beautiful in life than that. Photo magic: @kariannphoto Flower crown: @thefauxbouquets Hair: @styled_by_carolynn

A photo posted by heidiwilliams89 (@heidiwilliams89) on


The fact that you’re struggling doesn’t make you a burden. It doesn’t make you unloveable or undesirable or undeserving of care. It doesn’t make you too much or too sensitive or too needy. It makes you human. Everyone struggles. Everyone has a difficult time coping, and at times, we all fall apart. During these times, we aren’t always easy to be around – and that’s okay. No one is easy to be around one hundred percent of the time. Yes, you may sometimes be unpleasant or difficult. And yes, you may sometimes do or say things that make the people around you feel helpless or sad. But those things aren’t all of who you are and they certainly don’t discount your worth as a human being. The truth is that you can be struggling and still be loved. You can be difficult and still be cared for. You can be less than perfect, and still be deserving of compassion and kindness. — Daniell Koepke UTAH lovers! Come play with me tomorrow night for an I AM ENOUGH GODDESS PARTY! see invite in bio for details. Photographer: @kariannphoto Hair: @styled_by_carolynn @lacedhairextensions Top: @aloyoga #aloyoga #beagoddess

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"The opposite of play is not work. The opposite of play is depression." -stuart Brown The problem us women face is not that we just aren't in touch with our feminine side.  It's that we reject it all together. We somehow believe that being feminine equates to being weak. Or submissive. We don't own our feminine power because we simply don't believe it is power. But in a world where the Feminine is dishonored And nearly shamed, do we truly understand what it is? Femininity is creativity. It's DIVINE creativity. It's the inward flow of energy, inspiration, ideas and thoughts. When we are balanced in our feminine energy, we are intuitive, playful and concious. We are nurturing to ourselves and others. We own our Femininity and we not only understand our power, but we use it to enrich our world. When we are unbalanced in our feminine energy, we feel stifled, depressed, anxious, exhausted, and disconnected. Like somehow we have lost ourselves in the process of surviving life. But we weren't meant to survive. We were meant to thrive. We were meant to laugh, and play, and create. Every. Single. Day. It's our divine nature as women. SO COME PLAY WITH ME! August 26th (near salt lake city, utah) I am hosting a night of feminine love to remind each of us that there is more to life than stress and exhaustion. There is a world of excitement and nourishment and creative satisfaction that belongs to you. I will meet you there... See previous post for details. Comment below And I will send you the address! Photo wizard:@kariannphoto Hair:@styled_by_carolynn @lacedhairextensions

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The definition of Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.- Anonymous Who is ready for an EMOTIONAL DETOX?? Starting this Sunday I am hosting my very first 7 DAY EMOTIONAL CLEANSE. During this Cleanse we will be... 1 Identifying  Triggers, self-destructive behavior and false belief systems that have kept you from experiencing the inner strength, peace and happiness you know is inside of you, but seemed buried under trauma or over all a heaviness you cant seem to identify. 2. Challenging, Dismantling and Eradicating the false belief beliefs keeping you stuck in a downward spiral 3. Establishing a new belief system based on your peace and truth.  I will be including Meditations, Yoga, Exercise, Nutrition, Essential Oils, Teas and any other tool that have been my go-to's during my  own healing journey. You can particitpate at whatever level works for you, but I will say, the more you show up, the more results you will get. I will be taking you through a very similar proccess to the one I went through when I cleared my own PTSD trigger. This proccess can be incredibly transformative if you allow it to transform you. With that, I cannot wait to spend the whole week clearing emotional space with you!!! xoxoxoxoxo  See you Sunday!! click the link in bio to join us as we detox our emotions and open ourselves up to new found peace, health and happiness PHOTO WIZARD: @kariannphoto Pants: @flexilexi_fitness

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In the last 36 hours after several big articles were written about me and the work I am doing, my Instagram account more than doubled, my support group has exploded. And I have been flooded with emails and messages asking for help, advice and interviews. After a mini break down of not feeling good enough or qualified, here is what I have learned... You don't need a degree, a certificate or letters after your name to understand human pain and suffering, you need a heart. This world doesn't need more intelect. We need more compassion. Hearts that feel. Hearts that understand. Hearts that lift up and hold the broken hearts while they heal. Because they will heal. We were made to heal. And with enough people willing to answer the call of their heart- to heal humanities broke one- we will heal the world. If you are feeling the call, email me. I have heart work for you to do. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Photo: @kariannphoto

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